After the racecar used in the 2007-season was sold in bits and pieces, I have bought another one for future competitions. "Kill Bil" of 2007 did not work as well as expected, and additionally the development of the Pro-mod gives doesn't give me any motivation. Therefore I am looking forwad to compete in Modified where the cars only are allowed limited modifications, but still are racing the same tracks.
The new racecar is now unfamiliare to me as I loaned it for 2 race during 2007. It is known as "Zalto," but it is to be expected that the car will be renamed and presented with new looks for the 2009-season. But first of all, I will try to familiarize myself with the car allready this season, and will start allready on the 14.September in the AOK-champion competition. I'm looking forward to finally buckle up for som real offroad-action again!
The team have also invested in a "new" cartransporter, so for future I don't need to tow a trailer with the racecar. Forunately, it also does a very good job transporting.... anything actually. Which nowdays are quite handy as I also are in the middle of a great renovatin-project with an old house by the sea. The prjoect also have it's own
blogg which is updated several times a week by my dear companion, Sonja.