Only one participated in one more race since I qualified for the Eurotrial (check: There's been som technical issues with the racecar, but it seems to be working ok now.

Still needs a little cosmetic work, but expecting it all to be done in a couple of days. offcourse I will update again when the car is loaded on the trailer and "ready to run."
I will bring my 1 year old son, Thomas, with me to the competition, and his grandfather will come along to take care of him when I'm busy with the competition.

Still needs a little cosmetic work, but expecting it all to be done in a couple of days. offcourse I will update again when the car is loaded on the trailer and "ready to run."
I will bring my 1 year old son, Thomas, with me to the competition, and his grandfather will come along to take care of him when I'm busy with the competition.